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IV. Zeus, Father Almighty. (The End of an Era-Matriarchy) – “The Emperor”

The god of gods of many forms. The one of many faces and many names. The end of an era and the beginning of anew.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”- Genesis 1:26

Zeus-Jupiter-Deus. Greek: Δίας (Dias).

In ancient Greece, imagination ran wild—wilder than anyone could ever think of. According to Greek mythology, the Olympian gods are the oldest gods in the world. They are the ones who fought and won the war against the Titans, put an end to the era of matriarchs, and started their own era of patriarchy, which still stands strong to this day.

Zeus, the Father Almighty, the most high one, god of all gods, and lord of all mankind, is the one who is responsible for anything dogmatic that has been manifested into the principles we grew up with.

A long, long time ago, the terrain that is better known as the earth’s landmass was split into territories. Pieces of land, “terra,” had been separated by electromagnetic fields, known as “torus” fields. Torus or toroidal fields were part of the creator’s creation, the “heavenly father” of all land, or “Pan—Terra.”

[Pān-tera - Patera - Pater Greek: Πάτερ = Pān (all of) + Terra (Land)].

Original word: “Πατήρ” Greek “Pater” (Πάτερ) means Father but only refers to the heavenly father. Now used to refer to “God,” but before that, it was used to refer to “All Seeing Father” (Odin) and even before that to the “Father Almighty” (Zeus).

Greek “Πατέρας” (Pateras) means father and refers only to the father figure of the family. Greek “Πατριός” (Patreos) refers to one who takes the place of the father figure in a family, the Step-father.

Then we have “motherland,” which was replaced by “fatherland.” Or, as they say it in Greek, “Πατρίδα” (Patreda). It means “Land of the heavenly Father.”

On that note, that is also where the term “patriots” comes from, instead of “Countrymen.” The protectors of that land (terra) are called “Πατριώτες” (Patriotes = Patriots = Countrymen).

There is also the word “Patriarchy” from Greek “Πατριαρχία” that replaced “Matriarchy,” which means that a house is ruled by the principles of the father, or a group of people that is ruled by men only, due to that only men can be fathers, and only fathers can have a set of principles as were given by the heavenly father.

The land where the humans lived was then split into smaller territories, adding a name representing the group of people who lived on that land and for the purpose of identifying the people and the land. “Land” is said to be a Germanic suffix used to identify a “toponomy” and means “Soil.” Toponomy comes from the Greek "Τόπος (terra) + Όνομα (name)."

For example, we have Eng-Land, Scot-Land, Ire-Land, Hol-Land Nether-Lands, Switzer-Land, Zea-Land, Fin-Land, Green-Land, Ice-Land, and many other countries, and even more subdivisions of land within each “Land.” The same goes for all countries ending in “stan.” I.e. Afgani-Stan, Paki-Stan, Uzbeki-Stan, etc.

Among them, it used to be Deutschland which was the name for Germania (Germany), and Griekenland, which was the name for Greece. Eventually, the “land” suffix was abandoned, and in many cases, territories even changed their first given names.

Deutschland became Germany, while Griekenland became Greece. But Greece made another change to its name and became “Hellas” or “Ellada” (Ελλάς - Ελλάδα), and the people were renamed from Greeks (Γρεκός) to Hellenes (Έλληνες).

All that means that all naming and separation of the land has Greek roots.

“Greek” or more specifically “Grekos - Γρεκός” is a description for an enemy or an opponent. It means: “Swift, fast, and manipulative.” An enemy that you don’t see coming. Hence the saying, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.”

“Ellada” (El-lada) translates to “god’s land.” EL, the false god of IS-RA-EL that was imposed upon the people of “Egypt” (“IS” for Isis) and replaced the king and father of all creation and sun god “RA” of Kemet with their new god.

This was the first attempt ever for a unified world (or a one-world government, if you will) based on a polytheistic belief system, referred to as the “Aristocracy of 12” (The 12 Olympian gods), or as it is known in today’s twisted world “Elites.” Polytheistic stands for a belief system of many gods and means “Poly” - (Greek: Πολύ = Many) + “Theistic” - (Greek: Θεικό = Deities).


If this card shows up in your reading: The one and only father of the world, mythological or otherwise. Pioneer and high achiever. Original, the absolute beginner, the ‘protocol’ of the world, or the ‘First Column.’

The absolute beginner doesn’t mean ‘entry level’ but rather ‘first’ in what he does. This is a man who can withstand absolutely anything. He is highly spirited and very determined. He is family-oriented, but it takes him time to build strong relationships, as he values quality over quantity.

If this is a ‘you’ card, you’re not afraid of hard work. In fact, you enjoy it, not because of the effort, but because of your ability to see the end result before it is visible to others. You can accomplish anything you set your mind on, and you love exploring new possibilities. You love a good twist in almost everything. So much so that oftentimes you create your own!

You remain true to yourself, but you’re always prepared to change at a moment’s notice. Purity, wisdom, experience, permanence, and equality are only some of the traits that define you. You are your own authority, and you don’t acknowledge or submit your essence to a ‘‘higher power.’’ You have activated/awakened ‘‘Sahasrara’’ (your crown chakra – the ‘‘third eye’’), and you have achieved a higher consciousness.

If this is a supportive card; a new solution and renewal; illumination is imminent.

If this is a blocking card, expect to be challenged. A race to the top. Jealousy, envy, and spite. An attempt to steal your crown, rob you of your throne, or both.

Silver lining: You are a problem solver, well-prepared, respectful, and very protective. You have the power to build a world anew and the wisdom to rule it. Your originality prevents others from copying you.

Reversed Meaning: Flaws in your defenses. A witted opponent can and will take you down if given the chance. You might need to tighten your circle. Arrogance can create vulnerable spots that can be used against you. Severity in serious need of control. Lack of stability.


Deeper meanings & breakdown: The image of Zeus upon his majestic throne indicates immense power. You have found your place in the world, but that comes with hard work to maintain that position.

The golden crown symbolizes your authority, an activated crown chakra, and a higher consciousness.

The armor indicates that you have done your homework, and you are well-prepared to face anything.

The golden theme of the throne, armor, and crown means that even though you might have been granted the “Midas touch,” you must always be on alert. Each blessing is a curse when abused.

The white hair and beard indicate purity and wisdom. The eagle on top of the throne symbolizes your ability to see the whole picture, change your perspective on demand, and rise above life’s challenges. It also means that you have an enhanced insight that helps you navigate through challenges effortlessly. You have the ability to transcend beyond ordinary limits set by ordinary people.

In the background behind the eagle, we see the wings of a Phoenix in front of a golden orb that looks like a sun. That combination symbolizes an immense power to be reborn and rise when life strikes you down. It seems that nothing can hold you down, as nothing can overpower your will.

The landscape behind the throne symbolizes a new territory. You have been gifted and can make any wasteland bloom. It means that no matter the place or the conditions, you are destined to make it work and prosper.

Zeus is usually depicted with ram horns on his head.

It is said by many throughout history that horns symbolize power. But horns, according to world history and even religious history and mythology, are shown upon many major characters;

Alexander the Great is shown with the same ram horns, Moses had horns, Pan had horns, along with many others. Even major historical female characters are shown with horns. There is a distinction, however, as some have ram horns while others bear bull horns.


Ram horns represent an achievement that no one else was able to complete before; a great beginner, a pioneer. Bull horns represent power. In the case of Zeus, they represent both, as Zeus is often depicted as a bull, thanks to his ability to change forms. Zeus is everything and everyone, all at once!

He is Nimrod and Hermes, Apolo and Mythras, Thoth, Osiris and Ra, Horus, Marduk, Ea/Enki/Enoch, Odin and Thor, Perun, Dionysus and Bacchus, Pluto and Hades, and everyone else in between. Zeus’s mythological reign ended when mythology turned into reality and took human form in the face of Serapis Ptolemy the 1st.

Zeus is the foundation of almost all mythological fantasies and creatures, and even creation stories. He is the foundation of trade, law, and religious cults (See Christianity). Serapis Ptolemy the 1st, the first white Pharaoh and the beginner of the Hellenistic rule of Egypt (The Ptolemaic Dynasty), was the personification of Zeus and founder of Christianity.


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